I am passionate about justice and creating safe spaces for people. Along with discerning my own safe spaces this year, I hope to serve my community by seeking justice and safety for others.
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About Olivia Brokaw

I was born and raised in Lexington, SC (near Columbia), and I spent summers visiting my grandparents in East TN. I returned to the mountains to attend Milligan University, where I graduated this year with a BA in Humanities and minors in English, Bible, and photography. I formed amazing relationships with students and professors, participated in the honors program, and had the chance to study abroad in Dublin, Ireland, for a summer! I also helped lead our campus chapter of the International Justice Mission, which works globally to fight human trafficking and other crimes against people living in poverty. When I’m not reading, writing, or organizing my bookshelf, I like to spend time with kind people, dogs, or in a park (preferably with people or dogs).